Writing Prompt: Spaceport

Happy almost-NaNoWriMo, for those of you who are into that sort of thing. Here’s a writing prompt, from the incredible Jeff Zugale:

Spaceport, Jeff Zugale

The clouds, incidentally, are from a photo by none other than John Sclazi, so double awesome. You can find more of Jeff’s awesome work on his site and art blog, as well as the comic Not Invented Here.

PS Jeff, if you read this, please draw me spaceships.

Kickstarter: Original Art

As you (hopefully) know, the talented and awesome Pete Pachoumis is doing the cover art for 3024AD. He has graciously volunteered to kick in some original artwork for a promotion. So there are six pieces up for grabs. Want one? It’s simple. Pledge $35 or more over at the Kickstarter. That’s it- you’ll get all the other rewards for that pledge level (the book, bookmarks, postcards, stickers and named character) plus that piece of art.

Already a backer? Add $15 or more to your pledge and you’ll get one (send me a message to make sure I note it!).